


Friday, January 10, 2014

Santri told to Be Able to Analyze and Solve Problems, Bantul ~ Chairman of Lawmaking Body of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) KH Hasyim Muzadi said the Pesantren graduates (santri) should not only be provided with the ability of  discussing problems (bahtsul masail), but also the ability to analyze and solve problems (tahlilul masa'il).

According to Hasyim, if Bahtsul Masail just responds and answers questions to stipulate its legal status, such as halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden under Islamic law), then tahlilul Masail deals with problems ranging from the upstream to the downstream in addition to providing their solutions.

Kiai Hasyim made the remarks on the sidelines of a meeting at An-Nur Islamic boarding school (pesantren) Ngrukem, Bantul, Yogyakarta, on Monday (06/01).

The former General Chairman of NU also encouraged the santri to able to accept and adapt to various circumstances through self-training.

"Students must be implanted with the spirit of jihad and the spirit of sacrifice. This is important, because anyone who has a strong fighting spirit, then placed anywhere he will be able to survive," he said.

Santri, Kiai Hasyim added, also must base themselves on the so-called khasyatullah (fear of Allah). In this case, santri should not only learn, but also perform both mujahadah and istighatsah.

"This was done in order than pesantren could produce graduates who are not only smart, but also pious. That is now happening, those who are actually damaging the environment are environmentalists, those who are violate the law, are actually jurists. How could a jurist be punished," he added.

Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq
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